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KeeneOnTheMarket.com is the leading real time equity options trading resource on the web. Led by Andrew Keene, a veteran options market maker and floor trader, KOTM.com provides our subscribers with essential daily trading reports that contain key equity option activity statistics, S&P e-mini daily pivot levels, and Andrews highest probability “Trades of the Week”.

KeeneOnTheMarket.com also operates the KOTM.com Live Trading Room where members can join us, see us, and learn how professional option traders trade real money on a daily basis.

Benefits of Trading Options

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Not getting the returns that you are looking for trading stocks, futures, or Forex? Learn to trade options!

  • Options provide a more efficient use of capital for trading
  • Options offer higher risk adjusted returns
  • Options provide flexibility in directional strategy and time element advantages

Bloomberg 1.18.2012

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Andrew Keene, an independent trader, interviews from the floor of the CBOE with Bloomberg’s Trish Regan and Citigroup’s Mark Mahaney. Andrew talks about how he believes ebay’s auction front business is similar to a declining business model of Groupon (GRPN). As an options trader he gives his options trade and how he thinks Europe and a soft guidance will affect the company. He also discusses the 100 and 200 Day Moving Average and how those will affect his day trade for earnings. Andrew gives a great take on the fundamentals, technicals, and chart to place his equity options trade.

Options Trading

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Have you ever wanted to see and learn how a professional option trader trades?

  • Join our Live Trading Room and get live video and audio feed from our option trading team
  • Live market analysis, trade executions, risk management, profit taking, and expert viewpoints on equity option markets
  • Learn from real traders who trade real money… No simulation accounts… No artificial trades… Real time, real profits, and real risk management techniques

In the Media

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in-the-media Throughout a 10 year market making career at the Chicago Board of Options Exchange, Andrew went from a young clerk to an aggressive educated trader. At one point in his career, he was the biggest independent on the floor AAPL options trader in the world. Andrew regularly gives interviews on CNBC, Bloomberg, CBOETV, First Business, Options Profits and other media outlets. Andrew’s views are concise, often contrary to the mainstream, and sometimes controversial. He openly discusses his options trades and keeps his fans updated with his thoughts on the management of those trades.