Morning Rage 5.14.2012

This easing, which may be too little too late, combined with the possible exit of Greece from the Euro sent markets tumbling in Europe. The FTSEU3, the index of top European shares, hit a 4 month low currently down 2.1%. The Euro is down to 1.2861, its lowest since January 23rd and down 2.7% so far in May. The USD is up around .3%. Commodities futures are also not handling this well with oil currently trading down 1.78%, it hit its lowest so far this year. Natural gas, gold and silver are also taking the hit this morning all currently lower. Time will tell if the US Markets can battle through the grim spectrum coming in from the rest of the world.

Contributer Chris Rygh is currently pursuing his MBA in Wisconsin and has a passion for the Market. Comments can be directed to