Morning Rage 8.2.2012

As for the announcements today, here is the schedule:
• Chain Store Sales
• Challenger Job-Cut Report at 7:30am
• Jobless Claims at 8:30am
• Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index at 9:45am
• Factory Orders at 10:00am
• EIA Natural Gas Report at 10:30am
• Fed Balance Sheet at 4:30pm
• Money Supply at 4:30pm

The S&P 500 will open on a decline of 0.29% while 10-year treasuries are up 2.63%.
Oil is up as well at 0.37%. The dollar is struggling, opening at a decline of 0.62%.

GM announced its earnings today of 90 cents a share, beating analysts expectations
of 75 cents a share. Even with the better than expected earnings the company is not
doing well, losing $361 million to the European crisis. Profits are expected around
$1.69 billion for the third and fourth quarters.

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