Trade of the Day (JPM) 5.11.2012

Break-even:  I break-even on this trade if JPM closes at $36.60 on June 15, 2012.

Unprofitable I lose money on this trade if JPM closes under $36.60 June 15, 2012.  The most I can lose on this trade is the amount I paid can be worth $1 minus the price I sold it for, $.40 for a total of $.60.  

Reason I Like This Trade:  JPM has sold off on some terrible news about their investments.  I want to take a Bullish stance, but I do not want to risk too much money.  If this strategy I can make if JPM is flat, goes down less than 1% or rallies.  

UPDATE 5.14.2012  With a sell-off in the stock market and JPM this Put Spread has increased to $.49 in value.  I will leave this Spread on and not look to add as I think JPM has plenty of time between now and June to rally back.  

UPDATE 5.15.2012  With the stock rallying back today, this Spread is currently worth $.44.  I will leave this Spread on as I think JPMorgan sell-off might be overdone.   

UPDATE 5.16.2012  This Spread is still worth $.45, but I will leave it on, because I am making an even movey bet that the stock will rally by June expiration.

UPDATE 5.21.2012  With more JPM news coming out everyday I am glad that I didnt not a big position as this Spread is now worth $.80.  I will leave this on for a potential bounce higher.

UPDATE 5.22.2012  This spread is worth $.75 and I should probably take it off as I think that JPM and the stock market are headed 

UPDATE 5.24.2012  Since this spread can only go to $1, I will leave it on, but not add to it at all, because the banks look so weak.